Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Violet red orange Huanglv Qing, who hold Coloured Ribbons in the sky dance

Description: July 18, 2003, the Qingdao Economic and Trade Commission, Qingdao Associated Group's "information technology demonstration projects in Qingdao and Qingdao Double Peach Fine Chemicals (Group) Co., Ltd. Kingdee K/3ERP implementation of the identification of acceptance will be" smooth. From China National Chemical Information Center, Tsinghua University, Qingdao Science and Technology Commission, Computer Association, Software Association and Qingdao University of famous experts and scholars gathered together and jointly Qingdao Double Peach Fine Chemicals (Group) Kingdee K/3ERP acceptance of project implementation were identified. This is my project as a pair of peach ERP implementation Fangjing Li, made at the meeting as guests record their experiences.

Qingdao Double Peach Fine Chemicals Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as double peach) is the dye industry, large enterprise, established in 1999 restructured, was formerly founded in 1919, Qingdao dye.
In order to quickly adapt to new market after accession to WTO situation, the enterprise management integration with the international management model, to shorten the development cycle of new products, reduce product cost, increase efficiency, improve the overall efficiency and core competitiveness, two peaches in 2002 Implementation began in early K/3ERP.
Kingdee company as project manager sent, and the implementation of our two consultants together for over a year were double peach. In the past more than a year, the pair of Peach's leadership, the project team members and business are the backbone of a concerted effort to do this project step by step effect today, as an old enterprise, state-owned enterprises in the implementation of two-peach initiative, courage to take risks that I assume responsibility for the spirit of this "consultant" was very moving.
Here I would like to talk about cooperation in the beginning and two peach made the entire project of the advantages and disadvantages; implementation is how the applications through the products to meet the actual needs of enterprises; and then introduce our method and implementation used to determine the implementation of the strategy; Finally, implementation of lessons learned to be a simple introduction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of co-operation at the beginning

We first analyze the industry characteristics and business management difficulties, to see whether the implementation of ERP solution. Then analyzed the business situation, identify the ERP implementation can take advantage of factors.
Analysis of industry characteristics and time management difficulties, including:
Product specifications and diverse. Double standards in the Peach Products in "more than 100 varieties of seven categories," available if the order into the ERP species, that also according to the percentage content, quality standards, packaging conditions and other factors detailed distinction;
Morphological diversity of materials stored, and many liquid materials stored in the workshop, difficult to manage;
Measurement of both raw materials and finished goods of industrial capacity, the amount of points per pack, storage and transportation during the production run, output measures have some degree of difficulty;
The quality of color have different batches, strict batch management;
Manual control mode production processes will lead to bad quality between batches, the yield substantial changes required for production tasks, processes, strict cost control.
Domestic stock-oriented production, export orders for the production;
Not the old work flow smooth handling of signatures of people, the responsibility is not clear enough;
Employees older, less computer basics.
We both also on the understanding of the situation analysis of the advantages of this project:
Number one attention, personal Shuaidui visit clients, actively trained and hired from outside experts as project manager;
Project manager with extensive management experience, proficient knowledge of theory and practice of ERP had success in other large state-owned enterprises over the implementation of ERP systems;
Project group and the backbone of all the main departments require the full protection of the project, working in the project conflicts with the daily operation and project priority issue.
Staff morale. Staff confidence in leadership, there is pride in the enterprise, promising to pay a corporate spirit of dedication.
Management tradition. Management experience accumulated over the years.
We also attach great importance to high-level, vice president, implementation director of great concern to ensure that problems are identified can be solved in time;
Our implementation team. On-site implementation team, including division vice president of consultant, branch manager and other services to implement the backbone of the direct application of fundamental problems relevant consultant consulting headquarters.

Product application

We see double peach ERP system uses the module, the module is in front of us talked about how to solve those problems.
1, selling some. Sales is the leading business, two peach sales facing the country, they have a direct user agents, there are other places in the distribution system warehouse management. System module solution through the sale of receiving orders, invoicing, warehouse shipping notice, product flow analysis, sales statistics and other issues; through the recovery of accounts receivable module to resolve payment and remittance is expected, customer credit analysis, the performance of payment, statistics, bad debt management problem; solution through the application of remote inventory modules, warehouse management, time inventory inquiry.
2, the production part.鐢熶骇绠$悊鏄疎RP瀹炴柦涓殑闅剧偣锛屽ソ鍦ㄥ弻妗冪殑閰嶆柟鍜屽伐鑹虹鐞嗗熀纭?兘鐩稿綋濂斤紝鍘熸潵鎵嬪伐鐨勭敓浜х粺璁′篃闈炲父鍒颁綅锛屽疄鏂戒腑鏇村鐨勬槸璁╁ぇ瀹朵簡瑙RP鐨勫伐浣滃師鐞嗗拰鏂扮殑宸ヤ綔瑕佹眰銆傜郴缁熼?杩囪鍒掓ā鍧楃鐞嗛厤鏂广?娴嬬畻鑳藉姏闇?眰銆佸畨鎺掍富鐢熶骇璁″垝锛屽苟杩涜鐗╂枡闇?眰璁″垝鐨勮绠楋紝钀藉疄鍚勮溅闂寸殑鐢熶骇浠诲姟鍜屾姇鏂欐儏鍐碉紱閫氳繃杞﹂棿绠$悊妯″潡瑙e喅鐢熶骇浠诲姟鍗曠殑杩涘害姹囨姤锛屾寜宸ュ簭杩涜璐ㄩ噺妫?獙涓庣敓浜ф眹鎶ワ紝鎴愬搧璐ㄦ鍜屽畬宸ュ叆搴撴墜缁瓑闂銆?br />聽聽聽 3銆佹垚鏈鐞嗐?杩欐槸鍙屾ERP椤圭洰鐨勪竴涓寒鐐癸紝閫氳繃鎴愭湰妯″潡鐨勫簲鐢紝涓嶄絾瑙e喅浜嗗熀鏈殑鎴愭湰鏍哥畻锛岃繕瀹屾垚浜嗘爣鍑嗘垚鏈殑绠$悊浣撶郴銆傜郴缁熶腑浣跨敤鍒嗘娉曡繘琛屾垚鏈牳绠楋紝婊¤冻娴佺▼鍨嬬敓浜т紒涓氱殑鐗圭偣銆傞?杩囨爣鍑嗘垚鏈鐞嗗姛鑳斤紝瀹屾垚宸紓鍒嗘瀽锛屼娇浼佷笟鍙互鍙婃椂寰楀埌鍚勭被鎴愭湰宸紓锛堝鏂欏伐璐癸級涓暟閲忋?浠锋牸鐨勫奖鍝嶅洜绱犮?绯荤粺杩樺仛浜嗕竴浜涙垚鏈?鎬佸垎鏋愩?鎴愭湰棰勬祴绛夋柟闈㈢殑宸ヤ綔銆?br />聽聽聽 4銆佷緵搴旈儴鍒嗐?ERP鐨勪富瑕佸姛鑳戒箣涓?氨鏄檷浣庝紒涓氬湪閲囪喘銆佷粨鍌ㄧ幆鑺傜殑璧勯噾鍗犵敤銆傛垜浠?杩囪鍒掓ā鍧楃殑MRP璁$畻鑷姩鐢熸垚閲囪喘璁″垝锛涢?杩囬噰璐ā鍧楁潵鍙戝嚭閲囪喘璁㈠崟銆侀?鐭ヤ粨搴撴敹璐с?閫氱煡璐ㄦ閮ㄩ棬妫?獙銆佺‘璁ら噰璐彂绁ㄣ?杩涜浠锋牸涓庝緵璐ф儏鍐电殑鍒嗘瀽锛涢?杩囧簲浠樻ā鍧楄В鍐宠揣娆炬敮浠樸?浠樻棰勬祴鍜屼俊鐢ㄥ垎鏋愮瓑闂銆?br />聽聽聽 5銆佽川妫?儴鍒嗐?閫氳繃璐ㄦ鍔熻兘鐨勫簲鐢紝涓烘瘡绉嶅師鏂欍?涓棿浣撱?浜ф垚鍝佸埗瀹氫簡璐ㄦ鏂规锛屽澶栬喘鍏ュ簱銆佹垚鍝佸叆搴撱?宸ュ簭浜ゆ帴閮借璁板綍鍏惰川閲忕姸鍐碉紝閫氳繃璐ㄦ鎶ヨ〃鏌ヨ锛屽彲浠ュ渚涘簲鍟嗐?宸ヤ綔涓績杩涜璐ㄩ噺鍒嗘瀽銆?br />聽聽聽 6銆佷粨鍌ㄩ儴鍒嗭細杩欎篃鏄竴涓笌閿?敭銆佺敓浜с?閲囪喘銆佽储鍔¢兘绱у瘑鐩稿叧鐨勬牳蹇冮儴鍒嗐?鎴戜滑閫氳繃浠撳瓨妯″潡瑙e喅鍑哄叆搴撱?鐩樼偣銆佽皟鎷ㄧ殑鎿嶄綔锛岃繘琛屾渶楂樻渶浣庡瓨閲忔帶鍒躲?鎵瑰彿涓庝繚璐ㄦ湡鎺у埗銆侀厤濂楃鐞嗐?搴撻緞绠$悊銆佹棩鍧囩敤閲忋?璁㈣揣鎵归噺銆佽櫄浠撶鐞嗙瓑鏂归潰鐨勫鐞嗭紱閫氳繃瀛樿揣鏍哥畻妯″潡瑙e喅鏉愭枡鍏ュ簱鍑哄簱鎴愭湰璁$畻銆佺浉鍏虫槑缁嗗笎琛ㄧ敓鎴愩?涓庤储鍔¢儴鍒嗙殑鎺ュ彛闂銆?br />聽聽聽 7銆佽储鍔$鐞嗛儴鍒嗐?鍙屾鏄釜鍘嗗彶鎮犱箙鐨勫浗钀ヤ紒涓氾紝鑰佽处澶氥?鎴愭湰鏍哥畻澶嶆潅锛屽璐㈠姟閮ㄤ唤瑕佹眰闈炲父楂樸?鏃╁湪94銆?5骞村氨鏇剧粡瀹炴柦杩囪储鍔¤蒋浠讹紝浣嗗け璐ヤ簡锛屼篃缁欒储鍔¢儴闂ㄩ?鎴愪簡涓?畾鐨勫績鐞嗗帇鍔涖?鍥犳锛岃繖娆″疄鏂紼RP锛岃储鍔″拰鍏朵粬閮ㄩ棬闆嗘垚搴旂敤涔熸槸鎴戜滑鐨勫伐浣滈噸鐐逛箣涓??鎴戜滑閫氳繃鎬昏处銆佹姤琛ㄣ?鐜伴噾娴侀噺琛ㄧ瓑鍑犱釜妯″潡瑙e喅鍩烘湰璐﹁瘉琛ㄧ殑闂锛涢?杩囧簲鏀舵銆佸簲浠樻涓や釜妯″潡瑙e喅淇$敤绠$悊銆佷俊鐢ㄦ牳绠椼?鍥炴浠樻棰勬祴绛夌鐞嗗唴瀹广?杩樹娇鐢ㄤ簡宸ヨ祫銆佸浐瀹氳祫浜с?鐜伴噾銆佽储鍔″垎鏋愮瓑妯″潡瑙e喅鐩稿簲鐨勫姛鑳姐?

聽聽聽 瀹炴柦鏂规硶涓庡疄鏂界瓥鐣?br />
聽聽聽 椤圭洰娑夊強鐨勪汉澶氥?閮ㄩ棬澶氥?鑱岃兘澶氥?鍔熻兘澶氥?妯″潡澶氾紱鍚屾椂锛岄」鐩腑鍩硅銆佷汉鍛樼粍缁囥?鏁版嵁鏁寸悊绛夊悇椤瑰伐浣滃張鏈夊緢澶氬ご缁?鏂规硶鍜岀瓥鐣ュ綋鐒朵笉鍙皯锛岄?甯告垜浠妸濡備綍瀹夋帓骞舵墽琛屽疄鏂戒腑鐨勫悇椤逛换鍔$湅浣溾?鏂规硶鈥濓紝鎶婂疄鏂戒腑瀛板厛瀛板悗鐨勪紭鍏堢骇閫夋嫨鐪嬩綔鏄?绛栫暐鈥濄?
聽聽聽 瀹炴柦鏂规硶鈥斺?閲戣澏KINGFINGER(閲戞墜鎸?鍏瀹炴柦娉曘?鍏朵富瑕佹楠ゅ涓嬶細
聽聽聽 绗竴闃舵锛氶」鐩粍缁囥?杩欎竴闃舵鐨勫伐浣滃唴瀹逛富瑕佸寘鎷細鎴愮珛瀹炴柦缁勶紝钀藉疄缁撴瀯銆佷汉閫夊拰鐩稿叧鑱岃矗锛涘彫寮?惎鍔ㄥぇ浼氾紝缁熶竴鎬濇兂锛涘缓绔嬮」鐩?浣撳疄鏂借鍒掋?
聽聽聽 绗簩闃舵锛氱郴缁熷煿璁?钀藉疄鍩硅瀵硅薄銆佸煿璁唴瀹广?鍩硅璁″垝锛岃蒋纭欢绯荤粺瀹夎骞剁粍缁囧煿璁?鍊煎緱璇存槑鐨勬槸锛屽煿璁皢璐┛浜庢暣涓疄鏂借繃绋嬶紝鑰岃繖闃舵鐨勫煿璁伐浣滅浉瀵规洿澶氥?鏇撮噸瑕併?
聽聽聽 绗笁闃舵锛氱郴缁熷畾涔夈?瀹屾垚鐜版湁绯荤粺娴佺▼鏁寸悊锛屾柊娴佺▼瀹氫箟锛屽師鍨嬫祴璇曪紝鏂版祦绋嬬‘璁ょ瓑宸ヤ綔銆?br />聽聽聽 绗洓闃舵锛氭暟鎹噯澶囥?瀹屾垚鐗╂枡缂栫爜銆侀潤鎬佹暟鎹噯澶囥?
聽聽聽 绗簲闃舵锛氱郴缁熷垏鎹?浼氳瀹よ瘯鐐广?鍒濆鍖栥?绯荤粺鍒囨崲銆佸紑濮嬩娇鐢ㄦ柊绯荤粺銆?br />聽聽聽 绗叚闃舵锛氳繍琛岀淮鎶ゃ?涓昏瀹屾垚浼佷笟ERP绠$悊绯荤粺鐨勮瘎浠峰拰浼樺寲宸ヤ綔锛屽杩愯妫?祴锛涚户缁暀鑲插拰鍩硅锛涘疄鏂藉悗璇勪及锛?br />聽聽聽 鎴戜滑閲囧彇鐨勫疄鏂界瓥鐣ュ垯鏄細
聽聽聽 1銆佺嫚鎶撴暟鎹鐞嗐?寮鸿皟鎿嶄綔鑳藉姏锛涚郴缁熷眰灞傞?杩涳紝搴旂敤閫愭鎵╁睍銆?br />聽聽聽 2銆佺敱闈㈠埌鐐癸紝鐢辨槗鍒伴毦锛岀敱涓诲埌娆$殑瀹炴柦椤哄簭
聽聽聽 3銆佸叿浣撳疄鏂界瓥鐣ユ槸锛氱涓?湡瀹屾垚鏁翠釜鍏徃鐨勫惎鍔ㄣ?璋冪爺銆佹祦绋嬪畾涔夛紙鍖呮嫭缁濆ぇ閮ㄥ垎鐨勮储鍔℃ā鍧椼?閲囪喘銆侀攢鍞?搴撳瓨妯″潡锛夛紱绗簩鏈熷畬鎴愭槗鍑烘垚缁┿?鏈夋暟鎹姣斻?绱ц揩鎬ч珮鐨勭郴缁燂紙鍖呮嫭鎴愭湰鏍哥畻銆佺敓浜ц鍒掋?杞﹂棿绠$悊锛夛紱绗笁鏈熷湪涓婅堪绯荤粺鎴愬姛杩愯鐨勫熀纭?笂锛屽悜绾垫繁鎵╁睍锛堣竟瀹屾垚杈呭姪绯荤粺銆佽竟娣卞寲缁嗗寲绠$悊锛涘寘鎷爣鍑嗘垚鏈鐞嗐?浜哄姏璧勬簮绠$悊銆佽储鍔″垎鏋愭ā鍨嬬瓑锛?br />
聽聽聽 瀹炴柦杩囩▼涓庣粡楠屾暀璁?br />
聽聽聽 鍦ㄥ弻妗冪殑ERP椤圭洰寤鸿杩囩▼涓紝鎴戜滑绉疮浜嗕竴浜涘疄鏂藉弻鏂瑰伐浣滅殑绗竴鎵嬭祫鏂欙紝鐜板湪閫夋嫨鎴戜滑璁や负姣旇緝閲嶈鐨勭粡楠屽拰鏁欒涓庡ぇ瀹跺叡浜細
聽聽聽 1銆侀」鐩粍缁囬樁娈碉細
聽聽聽 闄や簡涓?妸鎵嬮噸瑙嗐?寮烘湁鍔涚殑瀹炴柦鐝瓙涔嬪锛屽弻妗冭繕浠庝紒涓氬寮曡繘鑷繁鐨勪笓瀹堕【闂仛瀹炴柦鐨勯噸瑕佽鑹诧紝鏃㈡湁瀹炴柦ERP鐨勭粡楠屽拰鑳藉姏锛屽張鏈変紒涓氬唴閮ㄤ汉鐨勮矗浠绘劅锛屼粬浠垚涓哄弻妗僂RP寤鸿鐨勯骞诧紝鍙屾涔熷氨鎴愪簡ERP寤鸿鐨勪富浜恒?
聽聽聽 鍙紑澹板娍娴╁ぇ鐨勯」鐩惎鍔ㄥぇ浼氥?闄や紒涓氬唴閮ㄤ汉鍛樺弬鍔犲锛屾斂搴滈瀵笺?閲戣澏楂樺眰涔熷弬鍔犱簡浼氳锛屽湪鏁翠釜浼佷笟閫犳垚寮?紦娌℃湁鍥炲ご绠殑澹板娍锛屽厖鍒嗘樉绀轰簡淇″績涓庡喅蹇冦?
聽聽聽 涓ヨ們椤圭洰璁″垝锛屽鎴愬憳銆佺紪鐮併?鍒囨崲鏃堕棿绛夎绱犲仛娣卞叆璁ㄨ銆?br />聽聽聽 2銆佺郴缁熷煿璁樁娈?br />聽聽聽 闅忔椂瀹夋帓鐜杩涜鍩硅銆傚煿璁渶瑕佺幆澧冿紝涓?埇鐨勪紒涓氭病鏈夐潪甯哥嫭绔嬨?瀹屾暣鐨勫煿璁潯浠躲?闅忕潃瀹炴柦璁″垝锛岃竟涔拌竟鍩硅銆佸煿璁畬鍐嶆姇鍏ュ簲鐢紝濡傛寰幆銆?br />聽聽聽 鐫d績浼佷笟鍐呴儴鐨勫熀纭?煿璁?
聽聽聽 鎶撲綇鏃舵満缁勭粐绯荤粺绠$悊鍛樺煿璁?绯荤粺绠$悊鍛樿亴璐i潪甯搁噸瑕侊紝浣嗗疄鏂戒腑瀹规槗琚拷鐣ワ紝浠栫殑鍩硅涔熶笉鏄惉璇捐兘鍚潵鐨勶紝浠庝竴寮?灏辨妸宸ヤ綔鍘嬬粰浠栵紝鍋氫簡灏辫浣忎簡锛屽仛浜嗗氨绛変簬鍩硅浜嗐?
聽聽聽 3銆佺郴缁熷畾涔?br />聽聽聽 闈㈠鎸戞垬锛屾暍浜庡彉闈╃幇鏈夋祦绋嬨?ERP涓嶈兘璺熺潃鎵嬪伐璧帮紝鏈変範鎯棶棰樸?鏈夊埄鐩婇棶棰橈紝涓嶈兘涓嶈?铏戯紝涔熶笉鑳藉叏鑰冭檻銆傚湪杩欎釜鐜妭涓紝涓?妸鎵嬨?椤圭洰缁忕悊鐨勪綔鐢ㄩ潪甯告槑鏄俱?
聽聽聽 鍙婃椂娌熼?锛屾竻鏅颁紶閫掓湭鏉ユ祦绋嬨?娴佺▼瀹氫箟瀹屼簡锛岃涓?鍙堜竴娆$殑鍩硅锛屾妸娴佺▼璐交涓嬪幓銆備笉浣嗚璁叉柊娴佺▼锛岃繕瑕佸強鏃跺叧闂棫鐨勬祦绋嬶紝璁╂棫鐨勫伐浣滄柟寮忚繍杞笉涓嬪幓銆?br />聽聽聽 鍏ㄩ潰鑰冭檻锛屾悶濂芥祦绋嬮厤濂楀伐鍏枫?鏂扮殑娴佺▼瑕侀厤鍚堟柊鐨勫崟鎹?鏂扮殑鎶ヨ〃锛屽浣曠敤銆佷綍鏃剁敤銆佸嵃鍒峰ソ杩樻槸鐩存帴鎵撳嵃锛岄兘闇?鎻愬墠鍑嗗銆?br />聽聽聽 4銆佹暟鎹噯澶?br />聽聽聽 瀵瑰熀纭?暟鎹紪鐮併?鍒嗙被鐨勫紩瀵笺?姣忎釜浼佷笟鍘熸潵閮芥湁鍙兘鏈夊悇绉嶇紪鐮佸拰鍒嗙被锛屽弻妗冧篃涓嶄緥澶栥?浣嗗師鏉ョ殑浣撶郴鏄拡瀵归儴闂ㄥ簲鐢ㄧ殑锛屾柊鐨勭郴缁熷彲鑳介渶瑕佺粺涓?捣鏉ワ紝灏遍渶瑕侀?褰撶殑寮曞锛屽お绻佺悙涓嶅埄浜庤緭鍏ュ拰璁板繂锛屽お绠?崟涓嶅埄浜庡垎绫诲拰鏌ヨ銆?br />聽聽聽 瀵规湡鍒濆?瑕佷粩缁嗘牳瀵广?澶ц儐鍐虫柇銆傚鏋滀紒涓氬師鏉ョ殑瀹炵墿銆佸悇涓儴闂ㄧ殑鏁版嵁鑳藉瀹屽叏涓?嚧锛孍RP涔熷氨娌¢偅涔堥噸瑕佷簡锛屼絾鏄鑼冨噯纭槸閫愭瀹屾垚鐨勶紝甯屾湜閫氳繃涓?鐩樼偣銆佷竴娆″璐﹁В鍐虫墍鏈夐棶棰樹篃鏄笉鍙兘鐨勩?绮剧‘鍒颁粈涔堢▼搴︼紵璇樊濡備綍澶勭悊锛熼渶瑕佹湁鍐冲績鍜岄瓌鍔涖?
聽聽聽 5銆佺郴缁熷垏鎹?br />聽聽聽 闄や簡鍒濆鏁版嵁锛岃繕鏈夊緢澶氳鍑嗗鐨勩?杩欎釜闃舵鐨勬牳蹇冮棶棰樻槸瀹屾垚鍒濆鍖栧惎鍔ㄧ郴缁熻繍琛屻?鍒氭墠鎻愬埌鍗曟嵁鍜屾姤琛紝鐩樼偣鏂规銆佹暟鎹皟鏁存柟妗堛?鍩硅绛夌瓑閮借鍒颁綅銆?br />聽聽聽 鍧﹁瘹鐩歌锛屽拰鐢ㄦ埛涓?捣瑙e喅闂锛涘強鏃跺弽棣堬紝椹笂鍩硅锛岀ǔ瀹氬啗蹇冦?闂鎬绘槸鏈夌殑锛屽彂鐜伴棶棰樺浣曞鐞嗭紵椹笂閫氱煡鐩稿叧浜哄憳锛岀Н鏋佽惤瀹炶В鍐冲姙娉曪紝鑰屼笖涓?畾瑕佽鐢ㄦ埛鍙備笌鍒拌В鍐抽棶棰樼殑闃熶紞涓潵銆?br />聽聽聽 6銆佽繍琛岀淮鎶?br />聽聽聽 鍙屾柟閮借缁х画鎶曞叆绮惧姏锛屾寔缁疮褰荤悊蹇靛苟鎺ㄥ姩搴旂敤鍚戠旱娣卞彂灞曘?
聽聽聽 鎱庨噸鐨勯?鎷╂椂鏈鸿繘琛岀増鏈崌绾э紝鍙屾浠庢渶鍒濆畨瑁呭埌鐜板湪涓?勾澶氱殑鏃堕棿閲岋紝K/3ERP灏忕増鏈厛鍚庡彂甯冧袱娆★紝鎴戜滑閮藉強鏃跺畨鎺掍簡鍗囩骇浠ヤ究璁╁ぇ瀹剁敤鍒版渶鏂扮殑鍔熻兘锛屼絾娌℃湁褰卞搷浼佷笟鐨勬甯稿伐浣溿?
聽聽聽 瀹炴柦鍒颁簡杩欎釜闃舵锛屽ぇ瀹剁殑鍔插皢鏉炬湭鏉句箣鏃讹紝璇蜂笓瀹朵负绯荤粺杩涜璇勪环銆傚簲鐢ㄥソ鐨勫湴鏂圭粰浠ヨ偗瀹氾紝缁欏ぇ瀹朵互淇″績鍜屾柊鐨勫笇鏈涳紱搴旂敤杩樺瓨鍦ㄩ棶棰樼殑鍦版柟锛屽強鏃舵敼姝c?

聽聽聽 闄勪欢锛氫笌浼氫笓瀹剁粡杩囦竴涓笂鍗堝惉鍙栦紒涓欿/3ERP椤圭洰瀹炴柦鐨勫伐浣滄眹鎶ャ?鎶?湳姹囨姤銆佺郴缁熻繍琛屾眹鎶ュ拰鐜板満鍕樺療锛屽鍙屾绮剧粏K/3ERP椤圭洰鍋氬嚭浜嗗涓嬬殑璇勪环锛?br />聽聽聽 鎻愪緵鐨勯壌瀹氶獙鏀舵潗鏂欓綈鍏ㄥ畬鏁淬?缁熶竴锛屾暟鎹彲闈狅紝鍙互浣滀负閴村畾楠屾敹渚濇嵁銆?br />聽聽聽 椤圭洰鍒楀叆闈掑矝甯傞噸鐐规妧鏈垱鏂伴」鐩鍒掞紙2002骞寸涓?壒锛夈?鎸夌収鎬讳綋瑙勫垝銆佸垎閮ㄥ疄鏂界殑鏂归拡锛岄噰鐢ㄩ噾铦跺叕鍙搞?閲戞墜鎸囧叚姝ュ疄鏂芥柟娉曘?锛屽椤圭洰缁勭粐銆佺郴缁熷煿璁?绯荤粺瀹氫箟銆佹暟鎹噯澶囥?绯荤粺鍒囨崲銆佽繍琛岀淮鎶ょ殑姣忎竴姝ラ锛岃繘琛屼簡璁ょ湡鍑嗗鍜屽疄鏂姐?瀹炵幇浜嗗唴瀹瑰叏闈?閫熷害蹇嵎銆佽川閲忎笂涔樸?鎴愭湰闄嶄綆鐨勭洰鏍囥?
聽聽聽 椤圭洰浠庡紑濮嬪疄鏂斤紝浼佷笟棰嗗浜茶嚜鎸傚竻锛岄攢鍞?鐢熶骇銆侀噰璐?璐ㄦ銆佽储鍔$瓑閮ㄩ棬绉瀬鍙備笌锛屽埄鐢ㄧ郴缁熸彁渚涚殑鏁板瓧淇℃伅锛屼负浼佷笟绠$悊鍜岀粡钀ュ喅绛栨彁渚涙敮鎸併?浼佷笟缁忚惀鑰呭拰绠$悊鑰呭凡缁忔垚涓轰俊鎭寲涓讳綋銆?br />聽聽聽 椤圭洰鏋勫缓鐨勪俊鎭綉缁滅幆澧冩?鑳藉彲闈犮?閫氳繃鏁版嵁鏈嶅姟鍣ㄣ?鏂囦欢鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ拰鍏夌氦涓績锛屽疄鐜颁簡浼佷笟鍐呴儴淇℃伅闆嗘垚锛涢?杩嘩EB鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ疄鐜颁簡鍐呴儴淇℃伅涓庡洜鐗圭綉鐨勯泦鎴愩?閲囩敤闃茬伀澧欏強闃茬梾姣掕蒋浠讹紝涓轰紒涓氫俊鎭寲瀹夊叏杩愯鎻愪緵浜嗕繚闅溿?
聽聽聽 椤圭洰鎴愬姛瀹炴柦浜嗛噾铦禟/3ERP绯荤粺鍜岄噾铦禣A绯荤粺锛屽疄鐜颁簡鐗╂祦銆佽祫閲戞祦銆佷俊鎭祦鐨勯泦鎴愶紝淇℃伅鍖栫缉鐭簡浜у搧鐨勫紑鍙戝懆鏈燂紝鎻愰珮浜嗚川閲忔帶鍒舵按骞炽?闄嶄綆浜嗘垚鏈?鍔犲己浜嗙敓浜ц鍒掓帶鍒躲?鎻愰珮浜嗚祫婧愬埄鐢ㄦ晥鏋滃拰甯傚満鍙嶅簲鑳藉姏銆?br />聽聽聽 椤圭洰瀹炴柦涓嫚鎶撲簡鈥滆嚜宸辩殑涓氬姟鑷繁鍋氣?鍜屸?鍗虫椂澶勭悊涓氬姟鈥濓紝纭繚浜嗙郴缁熸暟鎹俊鎭噯纭?鍙婃椂銆佸畬鏁达紝鍏呭垎鍒╃敤绯荤粺鎶ヨ〃瀵圭粡钀ヨ繃绋嬨?缁忔祹璐d换杩涜鎺у埗鍜岃?鏍搞?灏ゅ叾鍦ㄦ爣鍑嗘垚鏈帶鍒躲?璐圭敤棰勭畻鎺у埗銆佽川閲忓伐搴忚繃绋嬫帶鍒跺拰閿?敭棰勬祴鍒嗘瀽鏂归潰鏈夊垱鏂版?搴旂敤銆傞」鐩繕鍩瑰吇浜嗕竴澶ф壒鎳傜幇浠g鐞嗗拰淇℃伅鎶?湳鐨勫鍚堝瀷浜烘墠銆?br />聽聽聽 椤圭洰璁″垝鎬绘姇璧?00涓囧厓锛屽疄闄呮?鎶曡祫240涓囧厓锛屽叾涓潚宀涘競鏀垮簻淇℃伅鍖栧甫鍔ㄥ伐涓氬寲琛ュ姪璧勯噾30涓囧厓鐢ㄤ簬閮ㄥ垎纭欢鍜岃蒋浠剁殑璐疆锛屽叾涓舰鎴愬浐瀹氳祫浜у疄鐜版姇璧?30涓囧厓銆傞」鐩畬鎴愭姇鍏ヨ繍琛屽悗锛屾柊浜у搧寮?彂鍛ㄦ湡缂╃煭涓?崐浠ヤ笂锛屽紑鍙戣垂鐢ㄩ檷浣?%锛屼細璁℃姤琛ㄧ紪鍒舵湡鐢?3澶╃缉鐭负3澶╋紝鍚屾椂閮ㄥ垎宀椾綅鐨勪汉鍛樺緱鍒扮簿鍑忋?浠婂勾涓婂崐骞达紝鏂颁骇鍝佺殑涓婂競鍝佺杈冨幓骞村悓鏈熷闀?5%锛屾柊浜у搧鍗犻攢鍞敹鍏ョ殑姣旈噸鍚屾瘮澧炲姞12%锛屼紒涓氬鍔犻攢鍞敹鍏?235涓囧厓锛屽鍔犵粡娴庢晥鐩?90涓囧厓銆?br />聽聽聽 涓撳涓?嚧璁や负璇ラ」鐩鍒掑悎鐞嗭紝閲囩敤鐨勬妧鏈厛杩涘疄鐢紝缁撳悎浼佷笟涓氬姟娴佺▼鍐嶉?锛屽疄鐜颁簡浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栫殑棰勬湡鐩爣锛岀粡娴庢晥鐩婂拰绀句細鏁堢泭鏄捐憲锛屼紒涓氬湪璇ラ」鐩疄鏂借繃绋嬩腑鍒涢?鐨勭粡楠屽叿鏈夌ず鑼冨拰鎺ㄥ箍浠峰?锛屽叾缁煎悎搴旂敤鏁堟灉杈惧埌鍥藉唴鍏堣繘姘村钩锛屽悓鎰忛?杩囬壌瀹氬拰楠屾敹銆?br />聽聽聽 寤鸿浼佷笟鎸夌収鏁翠綋瑙勫垝銆佸垎姝ュ疄鏂界殑鍘熷垯锛岃繘涓?瀹屽杽浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栫殑鍏朵粬鐜妭銆?br />聽聽聽 缁忚繃閴村畾锛屼笓瀹剁粍鎴愬憳浠櫘閬嶈涓洪潚宀涘弻妗冪簿缁嗗寲宸ワ紙闆嗗洟锛変笌閲戣澏杞欢鍏卞悓鍚堜綔鐨勯噾铦禟/3ERP绯荤粺涓庡弻妗冪簿缁嗙殑涓氬姟娴佺▼缁撳悎鑹ソ锛岃繍琛屾甯稿苟寮?閫愭鍙戞尌缁忔祹鏁堢泭锛岃揪鍒颁簡瀹炴柦鍓嶇殑鐩爣,鍏锋湁鍦ㄥ埗閫犱笟淇℃伅鍖栬繃绋嬩腑鎺ㄥ箍鐨勪环鍊笺?


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Friday, October 8, 2010

Jinshan said the domestic A-share listed denied rumors false

Jinshan October 8 for the first time to respond to domestic A-share listed applications have been rejected, and rumors of financial fraud, said the report was completely inaccurate, not any basis.

Jinshan published yesterday a statement that the China Securities Regulatory Commission took note of recent media Youguan Jinshan A 鑲?Zeng refused to listing applications, and increase revenue accounting in solving problems of asset trade accounts receivable adjustment Zuochu allegations However, the Jinshan said report and the allegations were completely untrue and is not any basis.

Earlier, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and some Hong Kong media, received an anonymous letter, questioning the accounts of the prospectus Kingsoft problems, and news that China Securities Regulatory Commission has submitted Jinshan A share listing application, but because the accounts and other problems were refused. HKEx Listing Division of the follow-up investigation immediately, but will not affect the normal IPO process Jinshan.

Generally speaking, the new listed company listed in the official report with virtually all suffered similar, while the Hong Kong Listing Division to report the receipt of Hou from investors to the relevant company Lejie further Qing Kuang, such as request additional supplementary information, etc.. But there are so few listed companies to report the delay.

According to the latest bulletin shows Jinshan tomorrow 9:30 traded in HKEx, share board lot size of 1,000 shares, the stock code 3888.


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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Who in the sale of national sentiment!

National sentiment is perhaps the most precious emotions?

However, if able to benefit, why not use them as bait?

Thus, it appears a number of emotional appeals to the nation as the main marketing tool of companies and even its name.

The media likes to enterprises classification, the simplest
Such as local enterprises and multinational enterprises, and then there are processes outstanding enterprises and cost leadership type, there are men and women like the kind of enterprise. The future, maybe there will be a long-known business name, you see, McDonald's has now been introduced to the characteristics of Hamburg called long products, the effect is not bad.

So I thought, if so to say, from the perspective of national feelings, you can also re-classification of enterprises ah.

For example, one enterprise of national sentiment. , Say, a certain well-known consumer electronics companies, and even company names see the answer is love for country and nation, which shares a warm feeling Tai, Naizhi product, the trademark, boss Jiang Hua, etc., are associated with this sacred emotion Youguan.

In contrast to its is weakened national sentiment enterprises. Example, a well-known Japanese consumer electronics, movies, music content companies. Japan relations because they tap the Asian market, especially in the Chinese market, not to mention that he is a Japanese company, and repeatedly stressed that he is an international enterprise.

The same, this is an outstanding representative of the two types of enterprises, in their respective fields, the financial statements are excellent.

The world economy from the middle of the last century, multinational corporations replace countries and promote global economic development as the main driving force.

At that time, we do not multinational corporations, in the face of foreign capital, we are told: multinational corporations who are a scourge, not human.

Now, we have developed, also with one or two to open the company's business in foreign countries, Meng Ding also did not appear to buy one or two good foreign companies. Multinational companies suddenly become good things.

Human beings are to continue moving forward, then right, now may be wrong, of course, also would become in the future is correct, it not good enough. However, no matter what kind of judgments and understanding are the starting point from the interest, this "interest" factor, the "national sentiment" is a backbone.

Thus, different stages of development in the enterprise, such as in the above well-known consumer electronics companies, obsessed with main ethnic card, and regardless of the consumer to buy this "national product" in the end no better ease of use. A result, everyone innocent converted into its national sentiment turnover and profits, now, have had to go abroad.

Another example, is another old shouted before he was the representative of the old national brand IT vendors go abroad in the future, how not gracious enough to reply that he is a national brand. Because to settle in a foreign country, have resorted to all sorts of means to prove that they are not a national brand.

We are pregnant with the nation's heart, money or buy products that unstable to support him from a national brand into an international brand. This time, they suddenly announced that renamed the "dog left" sudden change "John" was. I open wide the eyeball close to that name, I can not see how "patriotic" word.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Digital TV Chunjiang Plumbing

October 1, 1999, the general public in the National Day parade on television viewing time, who knows China is a global television broadcast digital signals?

Unfortunately, the night has become a trend followed by the Internet, Film and Television on digital television and high-profile publicity vocal drowned. Com and e-commerce in the rolling wave. For various reasons, this should keep pace with the digital television, the Internet's surging in the face of dim. Interests of the parties, including government departments, television, set-top box manufacturers, software integration, content providers, are a bit depressed.

Turned in 2005, digital television vista.

May 19 and Qing dynasties in Beijing on the Club's "digital TV value-added services and investment opportunities," club activities, tied with a rope in the digital television on the grasshopper who rejoice, and even seemed a bit excited. Spring River Plumbing ducks. Program production, distance education, interactive games, value-added services content providers and hardware providers, integrators gather together, Geng You Softbank Asia, IDG VC, Intel keen insight into the opportunities of investment, venture capitalist and Society. The audience laughter in the crowd, like mask in the haze of digital TV head suddenly cleared up.

This is absolutely not entertain. Digital TV overall market conditions took a dramatic turn.

SARFT overall translation (turning off the current analog signal directly to switch to digital signals), to a large group of consumers push to digital TV before. Because the content does not differ from the existing TV customers unwilling to pay for the paid content. After the analog signal stopped, do not pay will fall into the dilemma of no TV to watch. To put the TV in the living room bedside cabinet when you move to the bedroom? Consumers would not be so pouted. Not long ago, Dalian is also designed for digital TV price increases held a hearing. For such a strong style, a VC who even said: "As long as people do not rebel, we can do so."

Digital TV set-top box development has been troubled by one of the bottlenecks. Broadcasting system to purchase, on behalf of consumers to advance their economic strength is limited; like Telecom, Netcom, UT Starcom drag when pushing PHS, ZTE's money, is not feasible. But now there is the necessary fuel, and the State Development Bank is willing to provide long-term loans. Do not forget, set-top box is not what Durables, almost five years to be scrapped, and rely solely on paid content pay, not simply a transcript of the cost of set-top boxes. A country's long-term capital pluggin, the soft spot is also removed.

At the same time, content providers have not been idle, on a new digital TV business models to explore.

In addition to traditional audio and video programs, interactive digital TV have more innovative applications. Not that bad a fried TV-based online games, to achieve sound, images, data, interactive Q & A feature of distance education, online stock trading would be a new digital TV business.

Even seemingly small business nook horns can bring in huge returns. For example, in the form of text messages issued with a discount of small ads, the audience will be similar, low cost delivery of the ruthless streets of small ads.

The following junior high school to stay in front of the TV was the longest time that this group of people with low income levels, price-sensitive information to provide shopping discounts, regular delivery of value-added service providers can certainly make a big profit Intuit. After all the information integration, will form a large community-based television network, TV shopping, virtual on-line supermarket and other new business models can be packed in.. Because each set-top box has a fixed encoding, digital TV will be like cell phones, as payment.

All normalized, although implementation may not be the same way. Although support digital television and the Internet with different underlying protocols and platform architecture, but the content running on the platform of the difference is insignificant. If you have the same feelings and good experience of interaction, general audience will not care about is the help of television content delivery platform, or network platform, is no will of both boss - Film and Television, or preference of the Ministry of Information Industry.

In principle, you can run the business via the Internet through digital TV can be completed. Placed in the digital TV industry is an open ground in front.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Operators to remind: strange sounds for calls do not hang back on

Recently, for there have been reflected in mobile phone users often failed to understand the phone call, and sounds for the hang up, then back past the time are usually voice or advertising messages, etc., Inner Mongolia Autonomous Mobile customer service to remind users In such calls, it is best not to call back, because this may be cash in the phone bill to lure customers back trap.

Inner mobile users, according to Zhuo reflect middle of the night, his cell phone rang, when he was about to answer, the phone was hung up. Fear of the other important things, he would call back the phone, did not think the microphone in the voice voice heard. The next day, his cell phone arrears were down and he was very surprised, because I was only two days ago to 50 this prognosis pay. When he went to 绉诲姩钀ヤ笟鍘?transferred out details of a single call after that strange phone that is out of the ghost, and phone number of inquiries that section of the phone is calling from a place of Guangxi.

Customer service said that some of these phones will return as long as a call to pay the high cost of anywhere from several dozen yuan to more than tens of dollars, so that the mobile phone users are very angry. This phone is similar to calling from overseas, they can not check these phone numbers, information, and can not phone number for this field to take corresponding measures to stop.


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Monday, July 12, 2010

Dialog box for further study

We will further study this course in the dialog box. In particular, we will explore how the dialog box as the input device. If you learn a lesson, it will find an example of this lesson is only a small amount of change, that is, the dialog window of our subsidiary to the main window. In addition, we also study the use of common dialog boxes.


The dialog box as an input device to use is really very simple, you create the main window, you just call the function CreatedialogParam or DialogBoxParam on it, before a function so long as the process in the dialog box handler can handle the message , which you must insert a paragraph in the message loop function IsDialogMessage call it logic to handle the keyboard keys. Because these two are relatively easy to program segment, we would not Xiangjie. You can download and study carefully.

Here we discuss the common dialog box. WINDOWS have been ready for your pre-defined dialog box class, you can put on the use of these common dialog boxes available to users with a unified interface. They include: open the file, print, choose colors, fonts, and searching. You should try to use them. To deal with these dialog code comdlg32.dll, in order to in your application to use them, you must link library files in the link stage comdlg32.lib. Then you can call one of the correlation function. Open File common dialog box for the function called GetOpenFileName, "Save as ..." dialog box for the GetSaveFileName, print common dialog box is PrintDlg, etc.. Each of these functions takes a pointer to point to a structure parameter, you can refer to the WIN32 API manual for detailed information, this lesson I will explain the creation and use of open file dialog box.
Here is the prototype of the Open dialog box function GetOpenFileName:

GetOpenFileName proto lpofn: DWORD
You can see that the function has only one parameter, that is, a pointer pointing to OPENFILENAME structure. When the user selects a file and open, the function returns TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE. Next we look at the definition of structure OPENFILENAME:

lStructSize DWORD?
hwndOwner HWND?
hInstance HINSTANCE?
lpstrFilter LPCSTR?
lpstrCustomFilter LPSTR?
nMaxCustFilter DWORD?
nFilterIndex DWORD?
lpstrFile LPSTR?
nMaxFile DWORD?
lpstrFileTitle LPSTR?
nMaxFileTitle DWORD?
lpstrInitialDir LPCSTR?
lpstrTitle LPCSTR?
Flags DWORD?
nFileOffset WORD?
nFileExtension WORD?
lpstrDefExt LPCSTR?
lCustData LPARAM?
lpfnHook DWORD?
lpTemplateName LPCSTR?
Well, let us look at the structure in the common meaning of members:

lStructSize structure OPENFILENAME size.
hwndOwner Open dialog box has a handle of the window.
hInstance has the file open dialog application instance handle.
lpstrFilter to NULL at the end of one or more wildcard. Wildcards are in pairs, the first part of description, the last part is the wildcard format, such as:
FilterString db "All Files (*.*)", 0, "*.*", 0
db "Text Files (*. txt)", 0, "*. txt", 0,0
Note: Only the second part of each pair is required to filter WINDOWS selected files, and the other after the part you must place a 0 to indicate the end of the string.

nFilterIndex open file dialog box to specify when the first open string with the filter, the index is counted from a beginning, that is a wildcard pattern of the index is 1, the second is 2, for example, the example above If specified the value of 2, then the default display mode is string "*. txt".
lpstrFile need to open the file name of the address, the name will appear in the Open File dialog box, edit control, the buffer can not exceed 260 characters long, when the user opens the file, the buffer contains all the files path name, you can extract from the buffer you need a path or file name and other information.
nMaxFile lpstrFile size.
lpstrTitle point dialog title string.
Flags mark the decision of the dialog box determines the style and features.
nFileOffset the user opens a file, the value is the full path name of the file name points to the index of first character. For example: If the full path name "c: windowssystemlz32.dll", then the value is 18.
nFileExtension the user opens a file, the value is the full path name pointing to a file extension of the first character of the index.

The following example, we have demonstrated that when the user selects "File-> Open", it will pop up a dialog box to open the file, when the user selects a file to open, it will pop up a dialog box, told to open the file full path name, file name and file extension.
. Model flat, stdcall
option casemap: none
WinMain proto: DWORD,: DWORD,: DWORD,: DWORD
includelib masm32libuser32.lib
includelib masm32libkernel32.lib
includelib masm32libcomdlg32.lib

. Const
IDM_OPEN equ 1
IDM_EX99v equ 2
MAXSIZE equ 260

. Data
ClassName db "SimpleWinClass", 0
AppName db "Our Main Window", 0
MenuName db "FirstMenu", 0
FilterString db "All Files", 0 ,"*.*", 0
db "Text Files", 0, "*. txt", 0,0
buffer db MAXSIZE dup (0)
OurTitle db "-= Our First Open File Dialog Box =-: Choose the file to open", 0
FullPathName db "The Full Filename with Path is:", 0
FullName db "The Filename is:", 0
ExtensionName db "The Extension is:", 0
OutputString db OUTPUTSIZE dup (0)
CrLf db 0Dh, 0Ah, 0

. Data?
hInstance HINSTANCE?
CommandLine LPSTR?

. Code
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
mov hInstance, eax
invoke GetCommandLine
mov CommandLine, eax
invoke WinMain, hInstance, NULL, CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
invoke ExitProcess, eax

WinMain proc hInst: HINSTANCE, hPrevInst: HINSTANCE, CmdLine: LPSTR, CmdShow: DWORD
mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
mov wc.cbClsExtra, NULL
mov wc.cbWndExtra, NULL
push hInst
pop wc.hInstance
mov wc.hbrBackground, COLOR_WINDOW +1
mov wc.lpszMenuName, OFFSET MenuName
mov wc.lpszClassName, OFFSET ClassName
mov wc.hIcon, eax
mov wc.hIconSm, eax
invoke LoadCursor, NULL, IDC_ARROW
mov wc.hCursor, eax
invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
invoke CreateWindowEx, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, ADDR ClassName, ADDR AppName,
hInst, NULL
mov hwnd, eax
invoke ShowWindow, hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd
invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg, NULL, 0,0
. BREAK. IF (! Eax)
invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
mov eax, msg.wParam
WinMain endp

WndProc proc hWnd: HWND, uMsg: UINT, wParam: WPARAM, lParam: LPARAM
invoke PostQuitMessage, NULL
mov eax, wParam
. If ax == IDM_OPEN
mov ofn.lStructSize, SIZEOF ofn
push hWnd
pop ofn.hwndOwner
push hInstance
pop ofn.hInstance
mov ofn.lpstrFilter, OFFSET FilterString
mov ofn.lpstrFile, OFFSET buffer
mov ofn.nMaxFile, MAXSIZE
mov ofn.Flags, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or
mov ofn.lpstrTitle, OFFSET OurTitle
invoke GetOpenFileName, ADDR ofn
. If eax == TRUE
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, OFFSET FullPathName
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, ofn.lpstrFile
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, offset CrLf
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, offset FullName
mov eax, ofn.lpstrFile
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, ofn.nFileOffset
add eax, ebx
pop ebx
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, eax
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, offset CrLf
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, offset ExtensionName
mov eax, ofn.lpstrFile
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, ofn.nFileExtension
add eax, ebx
pop ebx
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, eax
invoke MessageBox, hWnd, OFFSET OutputString, ADDR AppName, MB_OK
invoke RtlZeroMemory, offset OutputString, OUTPUTSIZE
. Endif
. Else
invoke DestroyWindow, hWnd
. Endif
invoke DefWindowProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
xor eax, eax
WndProc endp
end start

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

mov ofn.lStructSize, SIZEOF ofn
push hWnd
pop ofn.hwndOwner
push hInstance
pop ofn.hInstance
We are here to fill structure of the members of the OPENFILENAME ofn variables.

mov ofn.lpstrFilter, OFFSET FilterString

Here FilterString the file filter string address, we specify the filter string is as follows:

FilterString db "All Files", 0 ,"*.*", 0
db "Text Files", 0, "*. txt", 0,0
Note: All model series are paired, one a description of the latter is the real model, sub-office "*.*" and "*. txt" is used to find matching WIONDOWS want to open documents. When can we can specify any mode, but do not forget to add 0 to represent the end of the string has ended, or your operation may be unstable in the dialog box.
mov ofn.lpstrFile, OFFSET buffer
mov ofn.nMaxFile, MAXSIZE

Here is the address of the buffer into the structure, the size must be set. Since we are free to edit the information returned in the buffer.

mov ofn.Flags, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST or

Flags in the dialog box into the style and property value.
One OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST and OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST require the user to the edit control in the Open dialog box, enter the file name or path name must exist.
OFN_LONGNAMES tell the dialog box display long file names.
OFN_EXPLORER told WINDOWS dialog must look like Explorer.
OFN_HIDEREADONLY designated read-only files do not show (even if it is the extension of the filter mode).
In addition, there are many other flags, you can refer to the WIN32 API manual.

mov ofn.lpstrTitle, OFFSET OurTitle

Open File dialog box specify the title name.

invoke GetOpenFileName, ADDR ofn

GetOpenFileName function call, and pass a pointer to point to structure ofn.
At this time, open the file dialog box that come, GetOpenFileName function to wait until after the user selects a file will be returned, or when the user presses the CANCEL button or close the dialog box.
When the user selects to open a file, the function returns TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE.

. If eax == TRUE
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, OFFSET FullPathName
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, ofn.lpstrFile
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, offset CrLf
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, offset FullName

When the user selects to open a file, we will display a dialog box in a string, we first give OutputString variables to allocate memory, then call the PAI function lstrcat, with all the strings together, in order for these strings branches shows that we must add a line break the back of each string.

mov eax, ofn.lpstrFile
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, ofn.nFileOffset
add eax, ebx
pop ebx
invoke lstrcat, offset OutputString, eax

Above these lines may require some explanation. nFileOffset value equal to the full path name to open the file in the file name's first character in the index, as nFileOffset is a WORD type variable, and lpstrFile is a DWORD pointer shape, so we will have to deposit a conversion to nFileOffset the bottom byte ebx register, and then add to the eax register to get a pointer type DWORD.

invoke MessageBox, hWnd, OFFSET OutputString, ADDR AppName, MB_OK

We are in the dialog box display the string.

invoke RtlZerolMemory, offset OutputString, OUTPUTSIZE

In order to correctly display the next time, we must clear the buffer, we call the function RtlZerolMemory to do it.

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